This journey would not have been possible without the help of many people along the way:
some long time friends on my life journey, and others whom I met along the path. I am filled with gratitude for all my students who have helped shape me into who I am, for all my teachers who have inspired me, and for my parents who, despite facing adversity, have remained humane.
Special Thanks To:
Ruth Director, whose trust and genuine love for art ,that opened some of the doors to this journey.
Shai Eliezer Zvi, who designed my website with great care for my needs. To Alon Bar-tur and Yuval Sadan for there technical help
Pantelis Makkas, who has been with me throughout these crazy years with patience and love.
The photographer Yair Meyuhas, for all the photos in the TLV Museum and for the image used in the header.
Eva Gilboa Shachtamn, who has always been there for me .
All my dear friends who have translated, edited my texts, or helped with this site with love and generosity: Dalit Itai, Oren Kenner, Sami Douenais, Amal Ziv, , Alon Bar Tur, Luise Rabadan-Barba, Rami Salman, Asaf Blich, Marga van de Swan, Jill Bertermann and Etienne Tippex.