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Preventive Knitting

The project preventive knitting was created as a 'Performance Knitting Course' in the Tel Aviv museum as part of the exhibition: 

'Imagine a Museum or : The Remembering Body'

Curation: Ruth Direktor, 2023

Preventive knitting TLV MuTLV museom of art -preventing knitting  Photo: Yair Meyuhasseum 2023

"Noam Holdengreber, artist and Feldenkrais teacher, sits in one of the Museum’s corners and crochets a small piece of barbed wire. Seemingly, he is just a friendly guard, knitting pleasantly, merging into the museum walls, neither conspicuous nor noticeable. But he is not. People approach him, wanting to find out what he is doing, some even accept his offer to join the knitting. He specifically encourages men to participate in what he terms a “preventive knitting class” — crocheting pieces of barbed wire. He offers private lessons to those Interested."  From the exhibition program

* Featured in a Combined Installation with 'Du Kipat' (Two Skullcaps. 2002)

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